
Positive Possibilities

We loved being at Norwich Science Festival and sharing all of the climate change activities we've been up to with you. Did you leave with ideas about how you and your family can make a difference for the climate? What positive changes do you think we should make? Young people are the next generation of activists, campaigners, leaders and researchers - engage for change today.

Making changes to the way we live is important, but is it enough?

Unfortunately, it probably isn’t - we also need to ask those in power to change policies, regulations and laws, and corporations to change the way they do business. We can do this by writing to politicians, taking part in demonstrations, creating and signing petitions, writing to your local newspaper, and more. What do you think you would say, and how would you say it, to a politician if you had the chance?

We also need to make sure that what we propose and talk about is fair, democratic and is heard and seen beyond our immediate group of family and friends. We can do this by discussing, interacting and engaging with others - you can use social media, take part in council meetings, campaign, or for example start a climate society in school.

You can have an impact

Did you take a block home from the Wall of Impact on our Norwich Science Festival Stand? We hope you've got it in a visible place so you can keep looking at it and thinking ways we can help the climate. Why not share a picture of your block online, telling everyone what actions you're going to take and encouraging others to join you? Don't forget to tag us @uniofeastanglia and use the hashtag #ClimateOfChange so we can cheer you on.

Scroll down for info about the different areas we could all make positives changes in and suggested actions we could take. Have a different idea? Great! Don't feel limited by our lists, they're just a starting point.

Didn't get a chance to visit us at Norwich Science Festival to collect a block from the Wall of Impact? No to worry, you can still take part and take positive actions - scroll down to read the info and pick an area that appeals most to you.

Changes we could all make


We all need to get places, but how we do so can have a big impact on the climate. Most vehicles run on fossil fuels, which means they emit carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. There are some ways of getting around that don’t cause as much – or any – carbon emissions, such as taking the train, driving an electrical car, or by practicing active travel. What is active travel, you ask? It’s when you use your body to get around, through for example walking or cycling. If more people walked or took the bike to school and work, we’d see fewer emissions, cleaner air, and more space for humans and nature.

Read about what we can do for the climate in terms of transport >

Other ways to get involved

There is loads of activities to get stuck in to with Project Change, and loads going on with UEA's wider Climate of Change. Check out the links below to learn more:

  • Check out our speech-writing competition and speech-writing resources? You could record your views and share them with friends, family or even politicians
  • Chat with us and others on social media, using #ClimateofChange
  • Keep up to speed with all things Climate of Change on the UEA website
  • We're working on a Young Citizen's Climate Handbook - watch this space for more info

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