
Energy - Positive Possibilities

While energy has the power to power our modern lives, it also comes with big impacts on the climate. Read on to discover some facts about the impact energy has on climate change and some the positive actions you can take. Why not share the list with your friends to see what actions they will take?

Did you know?
  • Each house could save 300 kg of CO2 per year if the temperature was turned down one degree
  • In the UK, 19 % of all greenhouse gas emissions come from heating our homes
  • Renewable energy sources are key in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Using less energy in your home helps mitigate climate change
  • Burning fossil fuels accounts for three quarters of total global greenhouse gas emissions
Actions you can take to make a positive change
  • I will switch off lights and electronics when not in use
  • I will put on a jumper instead of turning the heating up
  • I will research if we can install renewable energy at home
  • I will launch a campaign to install renewable energy at school
  • I will research 100% renewable green energy tariffs at home
  • I will research if my neighbourhood could initiate a community energy initiative
  • I will use my phone, computer and/or games console less
  • I will encourage my family to lower our temperature setting
  • I will spend time with people or outside instead of watching TV

Want to know more? The links below are great extra reading about all things transport and climate change.

Home heating >

Solar power in schools >

Climate change and the energy sector >

Renewable energy >

What actions will you take? Share you plans with us on social media using #ClimateOfChange so we can cheer you on. Don't forget to explore the other positive actions themes, too.

Click the button below to download a PDF copy of this information to print out and share with friends.


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